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What does the Emergency Fund cover?

Find out more about how your Emergency Fund works.

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Written by Pawp Team
Updated over a week ago

The Pawp Emergency Fund is a financial safety net that reimburses you up to $3,000 for one vet bill a year in an unexpected, life-threatening medical situation. It is available as an optional monthly add-on to your base Pawp membership. It can be used for one emergency per year by one of the six pets on your account.

In order to be reimbursed for an emergency bill, you must submit an Emergency Fund Application via the Pawp app. If approved, you will receive up to $3,000 via ACH e-transfer or mailed check. Each Emergency Fund Application is evaluated on a case-by-case basis by our in-house claims review team.

While no application is guaranteed coverage, there are ways to significantly increase your chances of approval. Make sure you have your required emergency visit with a Pawp veterinary professional before seeking in-person care. They can help determine the severity of your pet's issue and provide immediate care instructions.

What's Covered

The Emergency Fund protects you against one emergency vet bill a year. An emergency is defined as an unexpected, life-threatening medical situation that requires immediate veterinary attention.

Some issues we cover:

  • Toxic Ingestions

  • Heatstroke

  • Sudden Collapse

  • Allergic Reactions

  • Envenomation or poisonous animal exposure (snake, bufo toads, deadly arachnids)

  • GDV bloat (gastric dilation volvulus)

  • HBC (hit by a car)

  • Cluster seizures

This list is not exhaustive. All emergencies are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by your care provider & the Pawp Claims Review Team.

What's Not Covered

The above definition of emergency mentions both "unexpected" and "life-threatening." In order to qualify for reimbursement, your issue must meet both of these criteria, meaning we can't provide coverage for things that are planned and expected (like scheduled surgeries) nor things that aren't life-threatening (like deworming).

Some things we don't cover:

  • Routine check-ups

  • Scheduled surgeries

  • Vaccinations

  • Deworming

  • X-rays or ultrasounds unrelated to an Emergency

  • Prescription medications unrelated to an Emergency

This list is not exhaustive. All emergencies are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by your care provider & the Pawp Claims Review Team.

Learn more about Emergency Fund exclusions here. Read the complete Emergency Fund Rules & Regulations here.

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